Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Secret Message of Jesus: Uncovering the Truth that Could Change Everything

The Secret Message of Jesus

That is the title of Brian Mclaren’s new book. I have read it and I love it. I am supposed to write a review about it but there are plenty on Amazon already. It would appear that while some people love it others hate it. I think it says more about the reviewer then the reviewed.

Dr. Loyd Allen , my Church History professor, told this story in class about a time when he was visiting a museum. On the tour there was this one guy who had something bad to say about every painting. Finally the tour guide turned around and said, “You are not here to judge the art, the art is here to judge you.”

So with that said here is a quote from Brian about his new book. If it resonates with you then I would highly suggest reading it, if not then spend your time on something else.

“As I worked on the book, I was repeatedly struck by how ‘strategically indirect’ Jesus was – hiding his message in parable, sign, and wonder. I began to realize that this strategy of hiddenness was integral to Jesus’ whole message and ministry. I think people who read the book will be struck by this theme as well.”

About Me

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Blair is a graduate of Mercer University in Macon, GA. Where he earned a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Communication and Theatre Arts and a minor in Christianity. Blair earned his M. Div. from the McAfee School of Theology in Atlanta. Blair is currently pursuing the Blairology Global Project. Blair is an Eagle Scout.