Friday, November 23, 2007

Blair Talks

I like to talk... Well really I like to think and if someone else happens to be around me when I am thinking I will think out-loud with them or to them. 

When I am around the same people for very long, they sometimes get tried or hearing me "talk." This happened a few days ago. I was going on and on about how it was not right for the world to be run by the oil and car companies today or the railroads yesterday. Then the person I was talking to said I needed a cause to actually do something about it. Well I don't want a "cause" my ideas are bigger than a "cause" but I do need to do and not just talk about the world's problems. 

That is when I saw a film about The Technology, Entertainment, and Design Conference (TED). They have four days, each year, of talks (which I love) but then they give three TED prizes to ideas that could change the world. As part of the prize, they grant the person with the idea one wish that everyone at the conference will help grant. (It is sort of like a prayer request but one that is not a waste of my time because people actually answer it-- they don't just sit around waiting for "God" to do all the work). Bono was one of the first people to make a wish. His wish led to the one campaign. 

TED is a place for us to talk and think and share our ideas (and by "our" I mean humanities) and also to turn the best of those ideas into reality. 

Check it out at  


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About Me

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Blair is a graduate of Mercer University in Macon, GA. Where he earned a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Communication and Theatre Arts and a minor in Christianity. Blair earned his M. Div. from the McAfee School of Theology in Atlanta. Blair is currently pursuing the Blairology Global Project. Blair is an Eagle Scout.