Friday, October 14, 2005

True Love

I believe in “The One”

Live as thou you are/ they are…
Because you never know when they will be gone…

True Love never waits…


Anonymous said...

How can you believe in "The One", but not believe that true love waits?

blairology said...

That is a good question. One that is hard to answer. I may not have the answer you are looking for but I will give you my thoughts that I do have.

“True love” the only kind of love, for me is to be displayed every moment that one participates in. For me there is no tomorrow, there is only today. When we live in the moment, tomorrow will take care of itself. When one is in relation to other people, one needs to express true love in the moment that they are in. God gives us relationships as precious gifts. These gifts can also be fragile and temporary.

My concept of “The One” is whomever God has placed in your life, in this moment. This view relies on total and complete surrender to God as Lord. We do not pick our relationships. We can, however, choose to work for healthy relationships or choose not to put any skill and effort in them and have unhealthy ones. I would refer you at this point to my earlier post God’s Garden Hose.

When living with this view we must fully rely on God and have faith in God’s ultimate plan. For our part this frees us from having to worry about the future and allows us to live totally in the moment that God has placed us. We can then truly love the people we are in relationship with and treat them as “The One” because they are. The expression of this true love is hard to define. In reality it comes down to the personal and communal relationship between God and the people that are in relation to each other.

I hope these thoughts have helped in some way. Thank you for your question. I greatly appreciate your interest. I am open to any further discussion you may have.

Anonymous said...

Finally, after many months and rumors and innuendos, and hearing about it through everyone on the End of Summer video, I finally get to hear Blair's theory on marriage and relationships.

And I have to say, I was expecting something much more radical, but it kinda makes sense to me.


blairology said...

Thanks Travis,

I’m glad I could show you what I think about True Love and “The One”. However, my views on the family and marriage are in fact a bit more radical. Which involve the dissolve of the nuclear family and the institution of marriage as we now it today. To be replaced with the inclusion of “extended family groups” and other institutions.

But more on that in a later post. Until then keep reading and let me know what you think.

Anonymous said...

I think we possibly do pick some of our relationships. I think we miss out on some too. What if you would have never read A New Kind of Christian? you made a choice. anyway...maybe you are just talking about relationships like romantic ones, i guess you could say.

my questions has always been if it isnt wrong to get intimate with someone emotionally, then why is it physically? maybe it isnt healthy to get intimate with some people emotionally or maybe that is just what we were always taught and so now..we have this world full of emotionless people.

I mean...even with the whole contemporary worship stuff. and people making such big deal about not being about emotions and then on the other end some people are only about it being emotional...where is the balance? i know that so didnt have anything to do with my point.

how do we expect people to live in freedom when everyones contradiciting each other and not looking to what the Bible really has to say about it? to see what Jesus really means. to seek the truth.

About Me

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Blair is a graduate of Mercer University in Macon, GA. Where he earned a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Communication and Theatre Arts and a minor in Christianity. Blair earned his M. Div. from the McAfee School of Theology in Atlanta. Blair is currently pursuing the Blairology Global Project. Blair is an Eagle Scout.